Motion Drop is the tool that I wished someone had invented a couple of years ago.
It’s capabilities are endless, and the results are amazing!
I’ve been working on this for a while now, and felt like this could be something useful not only for me, but for every motion artist out there.
Have you ever seen those sweeped lines moving around with an organic feel, like if they really had life? Well, to create that effect is nothing new these days. The problem is that it’s a painful process, and the results sometimes end up not being very organic.
lets you create up to 6 (I call them Drops) that randomly move around each other.
You can change their overall Radius and length (Tail). The Speed in which they move around each other can be set manually, so you can have some Drops flying around faster than others. You can also set the distance from each Drops Generator (starting point) to the previous one and tweak the randomness of each Drop’s movement by changing its Seed.
Link them to a spline and animate their position with a pre-built Follow Path function, and add some movement noise by crancking up the Distance, the Speed, and changing the Seed of their Generators.

Free License- For non-commercial work.
- Pay what you think is fair.
- Thanks for the support 🙂
Commercial License- For commercial work.
- Requires Cinema 4D 13 or above, and the Mograph module.
- Doesn’t work with the Physical Renderer.
- How to use Motion Drop | My Motion Graphics - […] Check out my fisrt tool made for Cinema 4D. It’s free and you can download it here. […]
- Motion Drop - Free Cinema 4D Plugin - […] Motion Drop is a FREE new preset from mymotiongraphics.net. This plugin allows you to create organic looking animated cartoon…
- Motion Drop - Kraphik 3D Blog - […] Motion Drop is a motion graphics plugin for Cinema 4D. Check out cool animation made with motion drop and…
- Free Cinema 4D Plugin - Motion Drop - […] qui potete scaricare e realizzare questo bellissimo effetto. Risorsa gratuita che potete scaricare qui […]
- Motion Drop — FREE Органические червяки | Plugin 4D.ru - […] Ссылка: http://mymotiongraphics.tv/downloads/motiondrop/ […]
- 18 plugins Cinema 4D gratuits pour booster le soft - Blog Tuto.com - […] MOTION DROP – 6 « points » qui tournes les uns autour des autres […]
- Top 10 Free Maxon C4D plugins - DezineJunkie - […] 5.Motion Drop is the tool that I wished someone had invented a couple of years ago. It’s capabilities are…
- 20 Awesome Cinema 4D Plugins must try in (2021) | KreativeMantra - […] Image source My Motion Graphics […]
- 15 Free Cinema 4D Plugins and Scripts | Boost Your Performance - InspirationTuts - […] Link: https://mymotiongraphics.tv/motiondrop/ […]
- 19 Useful Plugins of Cinema 4D For Your Easy Workflow - QualityKo - […] Motion Drop: This Plugin solves the problem of Creating organic object motions which sometimes takes a lot of […]
Thanks for this. I spread the word about this great preset here:
Love it.
Had a bit of a play myself:
Great job! Thanks! 😉
Excellent job on creating this tool!
This is a really cool little rig and fun to play with. Nice work!
Great tnx 🙂
how do you install it once downloaded??????
Instructions are next to the file:
“Paste the file mmg – motion drop.lib4d into your Cinema 4D install folder under library/browser“
Hey there,
When I try to use slow motion effect with those drops, by changing the “time scale” under project settings, it doesn’t work. How can I make them affected by the that time scale setting ?
Thank you.
I don’t think that will work. To change its speed you’ll need to change the “speed” under the Generators.
If you find out how though, I would love to know 🙂
how about just rendering at a high frame rate, 50,75,150 fps,. this should achieve a slow motion effect.
Great little plug-in – thanks very much for sharing it. I have left a donation for all your hard work.
Thanks a lot Steve! More stuff soon 🙂
Thank You, Misaotra Tompoko from Madagascar. Be Blessed
Hi. realy nice plugin, but I got C4d 10R and put whole folder MMG – Motion Drop 1.1 in browser dir. and try even put just mmg – motion drop 1.1.lib4d file, and I see the file but when try open nothing happen.
Is that plugin for 10R version too, or up from 10R ?
thank you
It works with R13 and above. Not sure about previous releases. Hope it helps.
Thank you again 🙂
hey up! i made a video for a good friend’s tune… using your excellent tool…
Hi, Must be sometihng wrong with my PC or I do something wrong, for example I make this printscreen and I make exact same for install, but never show me nothing on content browser, but Iluminati work without any problems.
Thank you for any support, and for really great presets.
so what’s the problem after all?
I cant see any content in that folde whatsoever.
or direct link here http://s27.postimg.org/ui8m2hrpv/presets.jpg
I just tried to install it again and it works fine here.
Go to MAXON/Cinema 4D (your version)/library/browser and delete any motion drop content there. Copy motion drop to that folder again and restart C4D. Does it help?
Im sorry not help, like something wrong with that file, anyone may compare this kb if I got right file or some sh*t happen and lost data during download ?
Thank you.
Hey there,
One question;
Is it possible to make it follow a path right ahead, rather than lingering around it while following the path.
Hope you got my drift.
If I understood your question:
Set the distance 1 to 0: the first drop will follow the path.
Set the speed (all) to 0: drops will stop to wiggle.
Hi, it seems that dynamic mode work only with a cloner object. I tried with rigid body tag on an object with multiple childs (but out of a cloner), and the drop is totally ignoring it even with Dynamic mode enabled. Any clue ?
Thanks brader for the pugins, may God always bless you.
Amazing work !!!
here is a music video I did for my son…thanks for this preset..
great! your son must be proud 🙂
Yes He loves it…the fact that his music generated it is very special to him…thanks for the great tutorial on how to use Motion Drop…it took 135 hours to render in HD format due to the material settings and lighting…but I think the results speak for itself…thanks again
135 hours?! As in 5 days or so?! Jesus! Sounds like it’s time for an upgrade!
I cant link my sound effector to the drop. Can you cover this too please, beautiful!
found it, were golden!
Hi there. How to connect an object like a ball a pyramid or something.. in front of a trail..following a path?
add an align to spline tag to the object and animate the pos inside the tag.
The way that it moves is hard to change and u cant get it totally right anyone know how to fix?
try tweaking the seed
Would this preset work on PC as well?
Hi I’m using R15 broadcast and there is no “mode” tab under motion Drop’s Object tab, is there something I’m missing?
Yes, you need MoGraph in order for it to work.
Hey, do you mind if I use this in my vids?
Please read the license file.
hello oh plizz i want to try it but how download this plugin can anybody help me and show me step by step plizzzzzzz i need it right now
The link is on the bottom of the post.
HI IS IT PIXAL TAB the link u talking about show me exactley plizz
plizz i didn’t find where i can download the drop motion plizz show me step by step plizz again
I’ll record a video about it next week 🙂
Hey, i would like to use the plugin, but i can’t install it. I have mac, and you say i put the file into library, i’ve got a library with 500 other folders inside, i also tried putting it in de plugin folder of cinema 4d, didn’t work neither…. Please help! Can you say the exact folder where i put the file in? THX
I made a tutorial on how to install Motion Drop. Check it. It’s all there:
Hey dude, thank you for this, looks like a sick plugin but I need some help. Once I install it, I place it into my library -> browser folder and it’s fine. But once I open C4D I go to presets and the folder is there but if I go into the folder, nothing is there? I’m on windows 8 by the way.
Hello, is this not working with physical renderer i assume or just mine is problem??
I also get weird results with the physical renderer. Polygon shards and the drops are oddly formed. Has any had success?
same here
When you will fix the the problem with physical render ?
You are a hero.
It’s a very powerful tool and thank you for making this. 🙂
I love it!! Is it possible to make a loop animation?
I don’t think so 🙁
Hi ! Great idea ! Is it possible to use a “rectangle: or “square” as the “extruded shape” instead of a “circle” ? Thanks, Gabriel
Hi great plugin and thanks for the tutorial. However as a newbie I cannot get the collision detection to work for the cubes. You just whiz over this bit in the tutorial. I have enabled dynamics on the Mesh tab, setup up some cubes in a Cloner using a Dynamics tag, enabled and set to trigger on collision. Nothing happens over and over when I try to get them to break apart when the worm flies through. Very frustrating. It would seem more needs to be set than you mention in the training video.
Hope you can advise.
Hi there,
First of all I don’t think it works with the collision detection, only with the immediate trigger.
Check out this tutorial, it might help: http://mymotiongraphics.tv/dynamic-streaks-with-motion-drop/
hey Gustavo!
been a while..
here’s couple more clips i’ve used motion drop in.
this is obvious –
and this less obvious (i’m also using symmetry to break up the shapes)
hope all is great in MyMotionGraphics land!!
Hi,, really great work. i was wondering how to change the shape of each drop of the 6 separately, i tried to click on drop 1 and tweaked the shape curve in mesh bar, but when I activated other drops it changed the shape of all of them, i tweaked the curve again selecting drop 2, but it changed drop 1 as well.
thanks a lot and keep up the good work.
It looks so helpful!! nice!!
I will try it!
Thank you so much.
I don’t have ‘browser’ folder.. ;ㅂ;
Awesome plugin. Realy fun to play with.
I have just one issu. I it possible to reverse to normals? That would be so great.
Thanks for the great work.
You are a respected and great artist
This is an awesome preset
Great teaching video
greetings from China
We found that if you change the “Point X” value from 1 to something very close, like 0.95, you can get rid of the strange protrusions we were getting with the physical renderer. This was driving me crazy too haha How this helps!
Hy Will,
Thanks for contributing with awesome info.
But I didn’t get it…
Can you be more specific?
What “point x” do you mean?
Thanks mate 🙂
I can’t get dynamics to work. I check the box in Mesh, but the Dynamics Body tab is all grayed out. I’ve tried to add a physics tag, but that does nothing.
Anyone have experience with this?
Hey Martin,
You-re right. Thank you for noticing. A bug since last release, but easy to overcome:
Open the layers manager and unlock the layer “My Motion Drop Hidden”.
Please let me know if it works for you.
All the best
Hi, nice plugin, but I canot find in R25
Please can you help?
Hey Joseph,
Try this https://youtu.be/sw6RTzooWSE