Not really a secret society that rules the world. Well, at least not in this case…
Wouldn’t it be great to have a very simple tool that could evenly illuminate your scene and render super fast? A tool that could give your scene soft and great looking results?

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- Requires Cinema 4D 13 or above and the MoGraph Module
- The Cluster Effect | My Motion Graphics - […] Download The Illuminati […]
- Cubes into Letters – Improved and Updated | My Motion Graphics - […] to them all was to remake the tutorial, and because now we have R16 with the reflectance channel, the…
- Lego Modeling Practice | Froyd.Design - […] Below you can see I used The Illuminati light kit from MyMotionGraphics.tv […]
- Top 10 Free Maxon C4D plugins – DezineJunkie - […] https://mymotiongraphics.tv/theilluminati/ […]
- 19 Useful Plugins of Cinema 4D For Your Easy Workflow - QualityKo - […] ILLUMINATI: The Simple tool will illuminate your scene and creates you a soft and great looking results in no…
Great plugin.
One thing thou, maybe i missed something, but i have an issue when using Physical renderer, if i do a render in the editor window everything is black and white, if i render in picture viewer everything is ok aka color gradient used in lights is how i set it up in the plugin.
Hope u understand what i’m trying to say here 🙂
Tried it on two machines and same problem poped up on both.
Yes I know.
Interactive render region won’t render as it’s supposed to. So avoid it. Couldn’t do anything about that.
Thanks for the feedback 🙂
The plug-in doesnt seem to work properly… The lights dont cast and dont render. I’m running r14. Any thoughts?
not sure. If you want I can take a look at your project.
imam jedan problem sa Iluminatima tj. nemam u presetsu ono što ti koristiš za svijetla (MMG iluminati).
kako to skinuti ili doči do toga??
Extractuj ga u “ProgramFiles/Maxon/Cinema Rx.x/library/browser” mapu!
Bonsoir encore un grand merci pour ce super plugin.Que Dieu te garde. Thank’s!!!
Hey there,
before I go and download Illuminati I have a quick question, Does it work with Cinema 4D r14 Lite?
I don’t think so. You’ll need the MoGraph module.
ASSET ERROR: mmg – the illuminati.lib4d (The Illuminati, preset:)
Any Suggestions?
I have no idea. Never seen that before. 🙁
maybe you have an old version of cinema 4d? i don’t it’s just a possibility
Hey, THANKS for this plugin I totally love it *-*
I’m using Illuminati with R15 under Windows 8 Pro x64 with an nVidia Q2000 graphics card. I also get a totally black object on a white background when I try to use the physical renderer. In addition, I get the ASSET ERROR on my first standard render, but the plugin seems to work with that error.
Yeah, I guess it’s the physical render. It doesn’t like that much the Illuminati. Asset Error? Never seen that.
How do I get prime? I need to use HDRi
You don’t need Prime, just google HDRI and you’ll find a bunch of images you can use.
Very fantastic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need to Use this One
Great plugin. Thank’s
how do i download this?
hello, its nice plugin but not working in cinema 4d r15, crash problem
Great Plugin
I like it so MUCH
But after Updating to version R18
Its not working property now (((
Intensity – not working at all in NEW version
Can u help please?
Thank you!
Hi .. thanks for a very helpful preset
with the new updates that came with R18 the light cloner has to be set to BLEND instead of ITERATE in order for the preset to work otherwise the intensity slider will not work and has no effect at all.
thanks again.
Muito bom! Muito obrigado, e parabéns!
Such a great plug in, thanks so much! I just use this for studied, not more.
It won’t appear in my project. I tried dragging dropping from content browser and nothing happens
I used this plugin, which is the absolute BEST plugin I ever found but now I have cinema r22 and it doesn’t work anymore.
Can you update this plugin??
Mrs Bernardine de Laat
Thanks! And thanks for letting me know.
I’ll do it asap.
Take care!
Hi Gustavo,
I use Illuminati all the time, and will be more than happy to pay for a version that will work in C4D r25. Please will you let me know if this is going to be a possibility. I’m hoping I won’t need to change my whole workflow! Thanks, Nick
Thank you
thank you for a great plug in, though C4D r25 doesn’t see it. Please will you update it?!
Many thanks
Hi Nick,
Thanks for letting me know, I’ll se what I can do asap.
All the best,
please please please will you make a version of The Illuminati for C4D r25? I will be happy to pay you to do this, just so that I don’t have to change my whole workflow in C4D.
Best regards, Nick
I’m glad to know you really value The Illuminati.
I’ll see what I can do for you, andlet you know about once I have a new version.
Thanks again for the support.
Hey nick,
Try this https://youtu.be/sw6RTzooWSE