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Hi guys!

I was having fun modeling another object, and it turns out that I really enjoy modeling low poly cars. Don’t know why, but it just feels natural.
I started once again with a blank project, with no references, and just freestyle baby.

I decided to record another timelapse out of it. As time goes by, I realise that my timelapses are not meant to be considered speed-arts. The goal here is not to make something awesome incredibly fast. I find that my purpose is just to share the process, in a less boring version. However I do avoid making the process huge. So low poly stuff ends up being my first pick.

At the beginning, I had no idea what to do. I just had in mind that it would be more complex than the previous one. I was thinking about going a bit further in texturing to.
It turned out to be a war car, fat, heavy, with guns and cool LEDs.

I tried to keep the low poly look. That’s why the rockets look weird. I latter realised that I could ignore some of the low poly rules. In the end, the car isn’t that low poly after all.

I used The Illuminati to give the basic lighting, and added an area light as the key light for more drama.

I did learn a lot and had a good time. And I’m already thinking about the next one. It doesn’t have to be a car but it might end up being one again. Who knows?
Do you have any suggestion?

Have fun 

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