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This project was not meant to be speed art, as I was not trying to be fast, just recorded the process and increased the playback speed.
I’m not even sure if it’s timelapse or time-lapse, so I searched around and it seems that all are viable. Some defend one way and others another. In any case timelapse just looks nicer in screen.
Either way, I hope my first attempt shows you my modelling workflow, even if it’s a low poly object. I love to model low poly stuff, and just found out. It’s just faster with great and good looking results.
As I was making the post in After Effects i realised I could improve here and there, but that’s part of the process. Instead of remaking the hole thing better, I thought I could just share this one and make another latter on. What do you think about it?
So this is a timelapse of a low poly car being modeled in Cinema 4D. Post made using After Effects. Hope you enjoy and keep those comments flowing. By the way, if you want your timelapses to be featured here at mymotiongraphics and upoaded to our youtube channel, send them to mail@mymotiongraphics.com
Just for fun